Voucher for a stay and any services at Puchacz Spa
The scope of services, date, number of nights, type of food, any treatments, etc. depends on the amount of the voucher, and (after purchase) determined by the voucher holder individually with the Puchacz Spa reception
The Voucher holder has the option (within the purchased amount) to compose the stay according to his own preferences, e.g. stay with breakfast or with breakfast and dinner, stay with or without treatments, etc.
Services that (regardless of the type of stay BB or HB) are always included in the price:
Unlimited WiFi internet access throughout the property
Unlimited access to the indoor pool, jacuzzi, dry and steam sauna, tepidarium
Unlimited access to the fitness room
Unlimited access to the children's playroom
The possibility of using the grill in the garden
We wish you a pleasant stay!